Danielle Tartakowsky List of articlesNo 281, 2022/4Cultures of workReviewsNo 278, 2022/1Gerd-Rainer Horn, The Moment of Liberation in Western Europe. Power Struggles and Rebellions, 1943-1948, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, 262 pp.ReviewsNo 276, 2021/3Robert Ovetz (ed.), Workers’ Inquiry and Global Class Struggle. Strategies, Tactics, Objectives, Londres, Pluto Press, “Wildcat”, 2021, 288 pages.ReviewsNo 264, 2018/31968. Photographing the strike’68: Back to the sourcesNo 241, 2012/4ReviewsNo 237, 2011/4In the Bosom of Lay SaintsPartisan Appropriations and ConstructionsNo 237, 2011/4In the Bosom of Lay SaintsPartisan Appropriations and ConstructionsNo 237, 2011/4Burying and Honoring the DeadEditorialNo 207, 2004/2The Individual and the GroupNo 202, 2003/1When the French Go Marching In: Recurrence and Metamorphoses on Collective Protests in the 19th and 20th CenturyNo 202, 2003/1The Territories of Social MovementsMarches in the 19th and 20th Centuries