Axelle Brodiez-Dolino List of articlesNo 283, 2023/2ReviewsReviewsNo 283, 2023/2Understanding poverty in an affluent society: ATD Fourth World surveys (1960s-1970s)No 280, 2022/3(Social) histories of homelessness in the contemporary periodOverview and avenues of researchNo 269-270, 2019/4Writing for the (general) public without renouncing one’s peers: Three online journal experimentsDigital experimentsNo 269-270, 2019/4Alternative writing: Making history “outside the city walls”?No 242, 2013/1The Conjunction of Social and Health Considerations in Policies against Poverty and Vulnerability in Twentieth-Century FranceSocial and Sanitary VulnerabilitiesNo 242, 2013/1Social and Sanitary Vulnerabilities