Antoine Prost List of articlesNo 281, 2022/4History of teachingReviewsNo 278, 2022/1Herrick Chapman, La longue reconstruction de la France. À la recherche de la république moderne, Paris, Les Presses de Sciences Po, “Académique”, 2021, 492 pp.ReviewsNo 269-270, 2019/4The French, the memory of the Great War, and its centenaryAcademic innovation?No 246, 2014/1Tribute to Jean-Marie MayeurHistoriographyNo 246, 2014/1From Registers to Social Structures in France. Thoughts on the MethodHistoriographyNo 237, 2011/4The Military Cemeteries of the Great War, 1914-1940Military CemeteriesNo 233, 2010/4Historical Statistics on French Higher EducationNo 233, 2010/4Editorial: Elements for a Social History of Science and Higher Education Institutions in France since 1945No 222, 2008/1Counting the Living and the Dead: Estimating French Losses During World War INo 200, 2002/3The French Strikes of May–June 1936 Revisited