The Social at the Mercy of the Soviet State No 196, 2001/3 - pagesPages 3 to 19For a Social History of the Soviet DictatorshipBy Jean-Paul DeprettoPages 21 to 40Society versus the State, Society Wielding the State: Educated Society and State Power in Russia, 1914–1921By Peter HolquistPages 41 to 62Labor Conflicts in Soviet Russia during “War Communism” and the NEPBy A.J. Andreev, Leonid Iosifovitch Borodkin, Juri L. Kir’JanovPages 63 to 88A Struggle for Professional Autonomy: The Statisticians of the Region of Saratov in the Early 1920sBy Martine MespouletPages 89 to 114Can You Be Poor and Not Proletarian? Disenfranchisement in a Moscow Neighborhood in the 1920s and 1930sBy Nathalie MoinePages 115 to 136The Opposition between Society and the State during the 1939–1941 Supply CrisisBy Elena Aleksandrovna OsokinaPages 137 to 154The State at the Mercy of the SingularBy Véronique Garros-CastaingPages 155 to 170Research on Stalinism in GermanyBy Stefan PlaggenborgPages 171 to 193ReviewsPages 195 to 208Russian Researchers’ Perspectives on Workers in Russia in the 1990sBy Karine Clément