Marches No 202, 2003/1 - pagesPages 3 to 13The Territories of Social MovementsBy Michel Pigenet, Danielle TartakowskyPages 15 to 41Protest Marches in the United States in the Nineteenth and Twentieth CenturiesBy Marianne DebouzyPages 43 to 51The Pemuda in PoliticsBy Romain BertrandPages 53 to 67The Secession of PadaniaBy Lynda DematteoPages 69 to 94When the French Go Marching In: Recurrence and Metamorphoses on Collective Protests in the 19th and 20th CenturyBy Michel Pigenet, Danielle TartakowskyPages 95 to 111The March for Indian Dignity (February 25–April 5, 2001)By Sergio Tamayo, Xóchitl CruzPages 113 to 131A Certain Idea of “True Argentina”: The “Freedom March for the Constitution” of September 19, 1945By Marianne González AlemánPages 133 to 151The Green March: A Royal Nationalism under the Banner of IslamBy Marguerite RollindePages 153 to 164The White March in Belgium (October 1996): A Spectacular but Ephemeral Mass MovementBy Marc Hooghe, Gita DeneckerePages 165 to 181The Orange Marches in Northern IrelandBy Christine KinealyPages 183 to 205ReviewsPages 222 to 224Leon Centner (1919–2002)By Michelle Perrot