Varia No 234, 2011/1 - pagesPages 3 to 15Editorial. Political Models and Social Movements in Spain: French Influences and International Exchanges in the Long 19th CenturyBy Jorge UriaPages 17 to 321848 and the Spanish Democratic PartyBy Florencia PeyrouPages 33 to 44Reformism in Spanish Miners’ Unions at the Beginning of the 20th CenturyBy Jorge Muñiz-SanchezPages 45 to 62The Peregrinations of Euergetism in the Eastern Mediterranean from the 18th to the 19th Century: Christian Ethics, Government Technology, and Historiographical ConceptBy Anastassios AnastassiadisPages 63 to 82A Minority at Work: Protestant Charity in France, 19th–20th CenturiesBy Martha GilsonPages 83 to 101Peuple et Culture: A French Adult Education Association Working for The Democratization of West Germany after 1945By Marie-Bénédicte VincentPages 103 to 119The Erasure of the Worker’s Body: Health in the Workplace during the Early Industrialization of Paris (1770-1840)By Thomas Le RouxPages 121 to 142ReviewsPages 143 to 150Information and InitiativesPages 157 to 158Farewell to Susanna BarrowsBy Patrick Fridenson