Varia No 258, 2017/1 - pagesPages 3 to 12Migrations, Colonisation. France-Algeria, 19th-20th CenturiesBy Sylvie ThénaultPages 13 to 28Powers and Practices for Expelling Foreigners from Algeria in the Nineteenth Century: A Colonial Tool for Managing Migratory FlowsBy Hugo VermerenPages 29 to 48Post-colonial Algerian immigration: Putting down roots in the face of exclusionBy Muriel CohenPages 49 to 66The Transatlantic Mobilisation of Men of Letters for Copyrights in Brazil, 1851–1898By Sébastien RozeauxPages 67 to 83Speeches, Boos and Pistols. Understanding ‘Student Politics’ in Revolutionary Mexico (1910s–1920s)By Romain RobinetPages 85 to 107From Sanatoriums to Sun City. The Creation of ‘Active Retirement Living’ in ArizonaBy Paul V. DuttonPages 109 to 122R&D in Japanese and Swiss Electronic Watch Making (1960–1980): A Comparative Analysis of Seiko and LonginesBy Pierre-Yves DonzéPages 123 to 160Reviews